Sneak Peek: Seamus and Jared's National Harbor Wedding

June 29, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Congratulations to Seamus and Jared!

It's been awhile since we've blogged. Like, a really, really long time. And, we know it. BUT, it's because we've been SO BUSY with incredible weddings like this! Frankly, we got so wrapped up in celebrating love with these amazing couples that we completely forgot about sharing our photographs. Whoops! Now we should probably get to some blogging with a promise to be better! :)

Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16©Photos from the Harty

Seamus and Jared are just the sweetest! They're the kind of people who call, rather than text or email, and they're the kind of people who make you happy to be around. They came into DC from New Orleans, LA to celebrate their wedding - and, frankly, we couldn't have been happier that they did!

They celebrated their nuptials at Immanuel Church on the Hills in Virginia before heading to The Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor for some yummy food and good times with their closest friends and family!

These romantic portraits just take our breath away; we cant get over how adorable these guys are! We're still editing the photographs and putting everything together (hence the sneak peek...crafty, right?) and the hardest part is choosing which photographs are best because every photograph of these two is just so perfect!

We LOVED working with these grooms - and their adorable family - and cannot wait to share more photographs of both their rehearsal dinner and wedding day!

For now, here's a little sneak peek and a promise that we'll be more active bloggers and share more fantastic moments with you soon! :D

Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16 Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16Seamus + Jared PREVIEW | 6.18.16


©Photos from the Harty ı WeddingEventLifestyle Photography ı Washington, DC & beyond

@photosfromhart [email protected]
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Photos from the Harty, a team of lifestyle, wedding, and event photographers. We love capturing moments and telling your stories! If you like what you read and like what you see, please reach out to us.  We look forward to meeting you!


Sara, Katie + the Photos from the Harty team

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