Wondering about what District Bliss is? Well, here's your answer!

May 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Have you been wondering what District Bliss does?

We understand. No one has ever done anything like this before - and you're not the only one!  :)

Well, we made a little video (courtesy of US - Photos from the Harty) to explain what we do.  This video is VERY Sara and Sarah!  Their quirkiness is captured; we hope it makes you laugh a bit, too! :)

A HUGE thank you to everyone who manned through our technical problems at our 1st Birthday + Website Launch Party on Wednesday! Don't you love when you try something two seconds before you ask for everyone's attention and then as soon as you have it, it doesn't work? For like 15 minutes? Yeah, so that happened. So, thank you all for pretending it didn't! HAHA

We'd also like to thank our AMAZING Participating Vendors who helped make our event SUPER fun and successful! You all are so talented and we are very lucky to have worked with you!

Participating Vendors

SweetPots Desserts - Facebook

Silo - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Caitlin Creative Works - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buttercream Bakeshop - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Capital Society - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Doppio Music - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon

Pollyanna Events - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Photos from the Harty - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Optimum Photo Booth- Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

If you'd like to check out the photos from the Optimum Photo Booth, check 'em out here! Or see below! 


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Photos from the Harty, a team of lifestyle, wedding, and event photographers. We love capturing moments and telling your stories! If you like what you read and like what you see, please reach out to us.  We look forward to meeting you!


Sara, Katie + the Photos from the Harty team

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