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Uploaded 13-Dec-16
Taken 8-Oct-16
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7 of 207 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:Weddings
Keywords:Accent, Accented, Aisle, Alepin, Alternative, Amazing, Antique, Antlers, Arch, Art, Artist, Artistic, Artsy, Autumn, Autumnal, Award, Award Winning, Award-Winning, BBQ, BM, Backyard, Ballroom, Band, Banquet, Bar, Barn, Bay, Bayside, Beach, Beachfront, Beaded, Beads, Beautiful, Beauty, Best, Bi, Big, Bird, Birds, Bisexual, Black Tie, Bliss, Bohemian, Boho, Bouquet, Bouquets, Bow, Bride, Brides, Bridesmaid, Bridesmaid Gifts, Bridesmaids, Bright, Budget, Cake, Calla, Candelabra, Candlelit, Capital, Capitol, Capture, Carriage, Casual, Catholic, Celebrate, Celebrates, Celebrating, Celebration, Ceremony, Chalkboard, Chandeliers, Charm, Charming, Cheers, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Blossoms, Chic, China, Christmas, Chuppah, Church, Cigar, Cigars, Circle, City, Class, Classic, Classy, Cocktail, Cocktails, Color, Colorful, Colors, Contemporary, Cool, Country, Country Club, Country Club, Couple, Craft, Crafty, Create, Creative, Crystal, Crystals, Cultural, Culture, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Custom, Customizable, Customized, DC, DC, DIY, Date, David's Bridal, Day, Decor, Delicate, Design, Designs, Dessert, Desserts, Destination, Detail, Detailed, Detailing, Details, Different, Differently, Digital, Discount, Disney, District, Dock, Document, Documentary, Downtown, Dream, Dreams, Dress, Dresses, Dupont, Easy, Elegant, Embroidered, Enchanting, Engaged, Engagement, Equality, Event, Events, Excellent, Excitement, Exciting, Exhibit, FOB, FOG, Fairytale, Fall, Families, Family, Famous, Fantastic, Farm, Feathers, Featured, Files, Film, Flawless, Floral, Florals, Florist, Flower, Flowers, Food, Forever, Formal, Frame, Friendly, Fun, Funny, GM, Gallery, Garden, Gay, Gem, Gems, Geometric, Georgetown, Gift, Gifts, Glam, Glamorous, Glow, Glowing, Gold, Golf, Golf Course, Gown, Graphic, Green, Groom, Grooms, Groomsman, Groomsmen, Groomsmen Gift, Groomsmen Gifts, Guest, Guests, Hair, Hall, Handmade, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Hardy, Hartenstein, Hartenstine, Harty, Heart, Hearty, Hearty, Heirloom, Hip, History, History, Holiday, Holidays, Honor, Honor, Horse, Horseshoe, Hotel, House, Humor, Humorous, Husband, Inspiration, Intimate, Intricate, Investment, Invitation, Invitations, Ivy, Jewelry, Jewelry, Jewish, Katie, Knot, LGBT, Lace, Lacy, Laid-back, Lakeside, Lantern, Lanterns, Laugh, Laughing, Lesbian, Life, Light, Lighting, Lilies, Limo, Lingan, Local, Long-Sleeved, Long-sleeve, Love, Lovely, Lover, Loves, Loving, MD, MD, MOB, MOG, MOH, MOH, Maid, Makeup, Manor, Mansion, Mansion, Marriage, Marry, Maryland, Maryland, Mason Jar, Mason Jars, Memorial, Memories, Memory, Mismatch, Mismatched, Model, Modern, Moment, Montgomery, Montgomery Country Club, Montgomery County, Monuments, Mountains, Multi-cultural, Museum, National Mall, Natural, Nature, Nautical, Negatives, New, NoVA, Non-Traditional, Northern, Old, Open-minded, Orchid, Parents, Parties, Party, Partying, Pearl, Pearls, Perfect, Perfectly, Personal, Personalized, Petals, Photo, Photograph, Photographer, Photographer, Photographs, Photography, Photography, Photos, Photos from the Harty, Pic, Picnic, Pics, Picture, Pictures, Pier, Plan, Planner, Planning, Plantation, Pool, Poolside, Preppy, Price, Priced, Priced, Pricing, Princess, Print, Printing, Professional, Proposal, Proposal, Proposed, Proposed, Rain, Rainy, Ranch, Rated, Reasonably, Reception, Religious, Restaurant, Retro, Ring, Rings, Romance, Romantic, Romantic, Rose, Rose Gold, Roses, Rustic, Sailing, Sara, Sara Alepin, Satin, Seaside, Seasonal, Shower, Shows, Signature, Silk, Silly, Simple, Small, Snow, Snowy, Social, Soft, Sophisticated, Sparkle, Sparkly, Spring, Staircase, Story, Striped, Stripes, Stunning, Style, Suit, Suits, Summer, Sunflower, Sunflowers, Sunrise, Sunset, Surprise, Surprise, Sweetheart, Sweethearts, Sweets, Talented, Teacup, Teacups, Tent, Terrarium, The Knot, Theme, Tidal, Tie, Tips, Top Rated, Traditional, Transgendered, Tree, Trend, Trendy, Tuscan, Tux, Tuxedo, Twinkle, Umbrella, Umbrellas, Union, Unique, Uniquely, VA, VA, Value, Veil, Vintage, Virginia, Washington, Washington, Washington DC, Wed, Wedding, Wedding Dress, Wedding Gown, WeddingWire, Weddings, Whimsical, Whimsy, White, Wife, Wine, Winery, Winter, Wire, Wonderful, airplane, ballroom, belt, belted, best man, blossom, blossoms, blue, bouquet, bouquet, bridal, bride, bridesmaid, bridesmaids, cake, cherry, cherry blossom, cherry blossoms, club, club house, creative grand entrance, dad, dance, dances, dancing, diamond, diamonds, families, family, father, father of the bride, first, flower, flowers, friend, friends, fun, funny, funny grand entrance, glow stick, glowstick, glowsticks, golf, golf course, gown, grand entrance, grandparents, groom, groomsman, groomsmen, happy tears, heart, hearts, jokes, jokester, joking, limo, limousine, love, lovely, loving, maid of honor, makeup, marriage, married, marries, mask, masks, matrimony, matron of honor, mom, mother, navy, officiant, officient, one shoulder, one-shoulder, pink, prank, pranks, ring, rings, send off, send-off, silliness, silly, silly, straps, tears, wedding, white
Photo Info

Dimensions7003 x 4674
Original file size5.6 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken8-Oct-16 14:55
Date modified2-Dec-16 23:49
Photos from the Harty | Top Rated Professional Wedding, Event, and Lifestyle Photography in Washington, DC

Photos from the Harty | Top Rated Professional Wedding, Event, and Lifestyle Photography in Washington, DC

© Photos from the Harty
Top Rated Professional Wedding, Event, and Lifestyle Photography in the Washington DC area and beyond
@photosfromhart #photosfromtheharty