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Uploaded 6-Feb-17
Taken 1-Oct-16
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71 of 107 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:Ceremony
Keywords:Artist, Artistic, Artists, Artsy, Autumn, Autumnal, BK, Baby, Baker, Baking, Baltimore, Bar, Barn, Barn, Basin, Bay, Bearer, Beaten, Beautiful, Beauty, Berries, Best, Bi, Big, Bisexual, Black, Bliss, Bliss, Blooms, Blossom, Blossoms, Blue, Blue, Bouquet, Bouquets, Boutique, Boutique, Bow, Bride, Brides, Bridesmaid, Bridesmaids, Bridgepoint, Bridgepoint, Bright, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brown, Brunette, Budget, Budget, Budget, Business, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cakes, Cakes, Calla, Calla, Campbell, Campbell, Cap, Cap, Cap, Capital, Capital, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capture, Card, Cards, Catholic, Celebrate, Celebrates, Celebrating, Celebration, Celebrations, Ceremony, Cheers, Cherry, Cherry, Christmas, Church, Church, Circle, City, City, Clarendon, Class, Classic, Classy, Closeup, Coaster, Coasters, Colgate, Color, Color, ColorBar, Colorful, Contemporary, Cool, Corner, Corner, Country, County, Couple, Craft, Crafts, Crafty, Cream, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creative, Creatives, Ctia, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Custom, Customized, Cylburn, Cylburn, DC, DC, DC, DIY, DMV, Date, Dates, Day, Decor, Del, Delicate, Design, Design, Design, Design, Designer, Designers, Designing, Designs, Dessert, Desserts, Detail, Detailed, Detailing, Details, Different, Differently, Discount, District, District, Do, Do, Document, Documentary, Downtown, Draw, Drawing, Drawn, Draws, Dream, Dreaming, Dreams, Dress, Dress, Dupont, Dupont, E, Easy, Ellicott, Ellicott, Engaged, Engagemet, Equality, Evan, Event, Events, Events, Events, Exactly, Excitement, Exciting, Exhibit, Exhibitions, Fairy, Fall, Families, Family, Famous, Fantastic, Farm, Fashion, Fashion, Featured, Fed, Federal, Female, Festive, Flavor, Flavors, Flora, Flora, Floral, Floral, Florals, Florist, Flower, Flower, Flowers, Foliage, Font, Fonts, Food, Forist, Foundry, Frame, Friendly, Friendly, Fun, Funny, Galleries, Gallery, Garden, Gardens, Gay, Gaylord, Generous, Georgetown, Georgia, Gift, Gifting, Gifts, Girl, Giving, Glow, Go, Gold, Gown, Gown, Gown, Graphic, Groom, Grooms, Groomsman, Groomsmen, Gtown, Guest, Guests, Handmade, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Harbor, Hardy, Hardy, Hartenstein, Hartenstine, Hartenstine, Harty, Harty, Harty, Headshot, Headshots, Heart, Hearty, Hearty, Herrera, Hidden, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hip, History, Holiday, Holidays, Home, Honey, Honeybee, Honeybee, Honor, Honor, Hotel, Hotel, House, House, How, Humor, Humorous, Husband, I, I, Ideal, Individual, Interior, Intimate, Investment, Invitation, Invitations, Jewelry, Jewish, Katherine, Kathy, Katie, Katie, Katie, Keepsake, Kendra, Kimpton, Kind, Knot, LGBT, Laid-back, Laugh, Laughing, Lesbian, Life, Light, Light, Lighting, Lilies, Lily, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lingan, Lingan, Lingan, Live, Lives, Living, Local, Local, Local, Love, Lovely, Lover, Loves, Loving, Lynn, MD, MOH, Made, Made, Magazine, Maid, Make, Make, Mall, Mall, Man, Mansion, Marco, Marriage, Maryland, Matron, Matted, Matting, Meadowlark, Meadowlark, Meadowlark, Memorial, Memories, Memory, Minimalist, Model, Modeling, Modern, Moment, Monaco, Montgomery, Mountains, Mountains, Movement, NY, NYC, National, National, Natural, New, New, Nice, NoMA, NoVA, Non-Secular, Non-Traditional, Northern, O'Keefe, Off, On, Online, Open-minded, Parents, Parties, Party, Partying, Path, Perfect, Perfectly, Personal, Personalized, Photo, Photograph, Photographer, Photographers, Photographs, Photography, Photography, Photography, Photos, Photos, Photos, Photos, Photos, Photos, PhotosfromHart, PhotosfromHarty, PhotosfromtheHarty, Pic, Pics, Picture, Pictures, Pink, Plan, Planner, Planning, Planning, Plans, Polly, Polly, Pollyanna, Pomp, Pop, Potomac, Presbyterian, Priced, Professional, Proposal, Proposed, Protestant, Puff, Purchase, Rain, Rainy, Ray, Reasonably, Reception, Receptions, Red, Religious, Restaurant, Ridge, Ring, Ring, Ring, Rings, Ro, Romance, Romance, Romantic, Rustic, STDs, Sale, Sales, Sanderson, Sara, Sara, Sara, Sarah, Sarah, Saturday, Save, Save, Save, Scott, Season, Seasonal, Seasons, Secular, Selling, Session, Sessions, Shaw, She, Shop, Shop, Show, Showcase, Shower, Showers, Shows, Silly, Small, Small, Small, Snow, Snowy, Social, Socials, Sophisticated, Spring, Staircase, Station, Story, Stunning, Suit, Suits, Summer, Sun, Sunflower, Sunflowers, Sunrise, Sunset, Support, Support, Surprise, Sweets, Swooned, Tale, Talented, Thank, The, Theme, Themed, Thoughtful, Tidal, Tips, Toast, Traditional, Transgendered, Trend, Trendy, Tricks, Tux, Tuxedo, Union, Unique, Uniquely, Uniue, VA, Valuable, Value, Veil, Vendor, Vendors, Vibrant, Vienna, Vienna, Virginia, Virginia, Washington, Washington, Water, Wed, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, WeddingWire, Weddings, Wedlock, Weds, White, White, White, Wife, Will, Wine, Winery, Wire, Wonderful, Yes, York, You, Yourself, a, asked, at, botanical, business, by, districtblissdc, esarahcampbell, event, flow, from, from, from, from, from, gardens, gardens, he, history, hospital, in, in, it, jewelry, marry, me, of, of, of, on, own, photographer, photography, said, sarawithoutanh, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, to, want, wedding, what, with, with, work, you, your
Photo Info

Dimensions4094 x 2729
Original file size2.61 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken1-Oct-16 17:07
Date modified24-Nov-16 01:16
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D700
Focal length31 mm
Focal length (35mm)31 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/1600 at f/2.8
FlashNot fired
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 500
Metering modeSpot
Digital zoom1x
Accent, Accented, Aisle, Alepin, Alternative, Amazing, Antique, Antlers, Arch, Art, Artist, Artistic, Artsy, Autumn, Autumnal, Award, "Award Winning", Award-Winning, BBQ, Backyard, Ballroom, Band, Ban

Pammie and Blake | Floral Corner Farm Wedding | Mechanicsville, MD

Photographer: Photos from the Harty with Chris Langford Photography
Venue, Decor: Flora Corner Farm
Planner: Amanda Lozano
Catering: ​Putting on the Ritz
Pies:​ Dangerously Delicious
DJ: Dave Testerman ​
Hair/Makeup: ​Morgan Harant
Florist:​ Weavers Cut Flowers
Rings:​ Craig Coyne​
Wedding Website, Save the Dates, Officiant: Neil Savage