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Uploaded 12-Jan-16
Taken 23-Nov-15
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15 of 27 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Advertisement, Advertising, Aisle, Alepin, Almond, Amazing, Animal, Art, Artist, Artistic, Artists, Artsy, Autumn, Autumnal, BK, Baker, Baking, Banana, Bananas, Bark, Beautiful, Beauty, Beer, Berries, Best Man, Bi, Big, Bisexual, Black, Bliss, Blooms, Blue, Blue Ridge Mountains, Bouquet, Bouquets, Bow, Boyfriend, Bride, Bride Oreo, Bride Oreos, Brides, Bridesmaid, Bridesmaids, Bright, Brooklyn, Brown, Brunette, Budget, Budget Friendly, Business, Cake, Cake Design, Cakes, Calla Lilies, Calla Lily, Campbell, Candy, Cap, Cap Hill, Cap Ro, Capital, Capital Candy Jar, Capital Hill, Capitol, Capitol Candy Jar, Capitol Hill, Capitol Romance, Capture, Caramel, Card, Cards, Catholic, Celebrate, Celebrates, Celebrating, Celebration, Ceremony, Cheers, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Blossoms, Chestnut, Chocolate, Chocolate Covered, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Christmas, Christmas Bark, Christmas Tree, Church, City, Class, Classic, Classy, Closeup, Co-Worker, Co-Workers, Coaster, Coasters, Coconut, Coffee, Colgate, Color, Color Bar, ColorBar, Colored, Colorful, Contemporary, Cool, Corporate, Country, Couple, Coworker, Coworkers, Craft, Crafts, Crafty, Cranberries, Cranberry, Cream Puff, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creative, Creative Gift, Creatives, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Custom, Customized, DC, DIY, DMV, Dad, Dark Chocolate, Daughter, Daughter-in-Law- Mother-in-Law, Day, Decor, Decorative, Delicate, Delicious, Design, Designer, Designers, Designing, Designs, Dessert, Desserts, Detail, Detailed, Detailing, Details, Different, Differently, Discount, District, District Bliss, Divinity, Do it Yourself, Document, Documentary, Double, Double Stuffed, Downtown, Draw, Drawing, Drawn, Draws, Dream, Dreams, Dupont, Dupont Circle, Easy to work with, Engaged, Engagemet, Equality, Evan, Event, Events, Exactly what I want, Excitement, Exciting, Exhibit, Exhibitions, Fall, Families, Famous, Fantastic, Father, Father-in-Law, Featured, Female, Festive, Flavor, Flavors, Floral, Floral Design, Florals, Florist, Flower, Flower Girl, Flowers, Foliage, Font, Fonts, Food, Forist, Frame, Friendly, Friends, Fun, Funny, Galleries, Gallery, Gay, Generous, Georgetown, Georgia O’Keefe, Gift, Gift Bag, Gift Box, Gift Set, Gifting, Gifts, Gigantic, Giving, Glow, Go with the flow, Gold, Goodies, Gown, Graphic, Groom, Groom Oreo, Groom Oreos, Grooms, Groomsman, Groomsmen, Gtown, Guest, Guests, Halloween, Handmade, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Hardy, Hartenstein, Hartenstine, Harty, Haunted House, Hazelnut, Hearty, Hidden, Hip, History, Holiday, Holidays, Home, Hotel, Hotel Monaco, House, House of Herrera, How he asked, How to plan your wedding, How to start planning your wedding, Huge, Humor, Humorous, Husband, I Do, Ideal, Individual, Interior, Intimate, Investment, Invitation, Invitations, Jewelry, Jewish, Katherine, Kathy Lynn Photography, Katie, Katie Lingan, Katie Lingan Photography, Keepsake, Kendra Scott, Kimpton, Kind, LGBT, Laid-back, Laugh, Laughing, Lesbian, Life, Light, Lighting, Lingan, Live, Lives, Living, Local, Logo, Lollipops, Love, Love Sweets, Lovely, Lover, Loves, Loving, MD, MOH, Made in Brooklyn, Made in DC, Magazine, Maid of Honor, Make history, Make your own jewelry, Mall, Man, Mansion, Marco, Marriage, Marshmallow, Marshmallows, Maryland, Matron of Honor, Matted, Matting, Memories, Memory, Milk Chocolate, Minimalist, Mint, Mint Chocolate Chip, Model, Modeling, Modern, Moment, Montgomery County, Mother, Mountains, Movement, NY, NYC, National Mall, Natural Light, New, New York, Nice, NoMA, NoVA, Non-Secular, Non-Traditional, Northern Virginia, Nuts, Off the Beaten Path, On Trend, Open-minded, Orange, Oranges, Oreo, Oreos, Original, Parents, Parties, Party, Partying, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Cup, Peanut Butter Cups, Peppermint, Peppermints, Perfect, Perfect Gift, Perfectly, Personal, Personalized, Photo, Photograph, Photographer, Photographers, Photographs, Photography, Photos, Photos from Hearty, Photos from the Hardy, Photos from the Harty, Photos from the Harty", Photos from the Heart, PhotosfromHart, PhotosfromHarty, PhotosfromtheHarty, Pic, Pics, Picture, Pictures, Pink, Plan, Planner, Planning, Plans, Polly Anna, Polly Anna Events, Pollyanna Events, Pomp, Pop Art, Potomac, Pretzels, Professional, Proposal, Proposed, Protestant, Purchase, Rain, Rainy, Rasberries, Rasberry, Raspberries, Raspberry, Reasonably Priced, Reception, Receptions, Red, Relatives, Religious, Ring, Ring Bearer, Romance, Romantic, Root, Rootbeer, S'more, S'mores, STDs, Sale, Sales, Salted Caramel, Sanderson, Sara, Sara Alepin, Sara Hartenstine, Sarah, Sarah Campbell, Save, Save the Date, Save the Dates, Season, Seasonal, Seasons, Secular, Selling, Session, Sessions, Shaw, She said Yes, Shop Local, Shop Small, Show, Showcase, Shower, Showers, Shows, Silly, Size, Sized, Small, Small business Saturday, Smore, Smores, Snow, Snowy, So Good, Social, Socials, Son, Son-in-Law, Sophisticated, Spring, Sprinkles, Staircase, Story, Stuff, Stuffed, Stunning, Suit, Suits, Summer, Sun, Sunflower, Sunflowers, Sunrise, Sunset, Support, Support Local, Support Small, Surprise, Sweet, Sweet Tooth, Sweets, Sweets by E, Sweettooth, Swooned, Talented, Temptation, Tempting, Thank You, The Capital Candy Jar, The Capitol Candy Jar, The Knot, Theme, Themed, Thoughtful, Thunder Beast, Thunderbeast, Tidal Basin, Tips, Toast, Traditional, Transgendered, Treat, Treats, Trendy, Tricks, Truffle, Truffles, Tux, Tuxedo, Union Station, Unique, Unique Gifts, Uniquely, Uniue, VA, Valuable, Value, Vanilla, Vanilla Bean, Veil, Vendor, Vendors, Vibrant, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, Water, Wed, Wedding, Wedding Budget, Wedding Cake, Wedding Cakes, Wedding Dress, Wedding Gown, Wedding Photographs, Wedding Planning, Wedding Planning on a Budget, Wedding Ring, Wedding Rings, Wedding Wire, Wedding photographer, WeddingWire, Weddings, Wedlock, Weds, White, White Chocolate, White Dress, White Gown, Wife, Will you marry me, Wine, Winery, Winter, Woman, Wonderful, Yum, Yummo, Yummy, districtblissdc, esarahcampbell, memorial, sarawithoutanh, wedding photography
Photo Info

Dimensions1000 x 1000
Original file size164 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken23-Nov-15 12:26
Date modified4-Dec-15 17:08
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D800
Focal length70 mm
Focal length (35mm)70 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/160 at f/2.8
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 640
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x

Photos from the Harty ı Wedding, Event, & Lifestyle Photography ı