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Uploaded 20-Jul-15
Taken 29-Jun-15
Visitors 4

4 of 62 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Alepin, Amazing, Artist, Artistic, Artists, Artsy, Autumn, Autumnal, Beautiful, Beauty, Best Man, Bi, Bisexual, Black, Bliss, Boss, Bow, Brand, Branding, Bride, Brides, Bridesmaid, Bridesmaids, Bright, Brown, Brunette, Budget Friendly, Campbell, Cap, Capitol, Card, Cards, Celebrate, Celebrates, Celebrating, Ceremony, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Blossom Creative, Cherry Blossoms, Christmas, City, Coaster, Coasters, Color, Colorful, Contemporary, Cool, Craft, Crafts, Crafty, Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creative, Creatives, Custom, Customized, DC, Design, Design Agency, Designer, Designers, Designing, Designs, Detail, Detailed, Detailing, Details, Different, Differently, District, District Bliss, Downtown, Draw, Drawing, Drawn, Draws, Dupont, Dupont Circle, Equality, Event, Events, Excitement, Exciting, Fall, Festive, Flavor, Flavors, Flower Girl, Font, Fonts, Food, Fun, Funky, Funny, Gay, Generous, Georgetown, Gift, Gifting, Gifts, Gold, Gown, Graphic, Groom, Grooms, Groomsman, Groomsmen, Gtown, Guest, Guests, Handmade, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Hardy, Hartenstine, Harty, Hearty, Hip, Holiday, Holidays, Home, Hotel, House, Humor, Humorous, Husband, Illustration, Illustrations, Individual, Installation, Installations, Interior, Invitation, Invitations, Kind, LGBT, Ladies, Laugh, Laughing, Lesbian, Life, Live, Live Local, Lives, Living, Local, Love, Lovely, Lover, Loves, Loving, MD, MOH, Maid of Honor, Mall, Marketting, Marriage, Maryland, Matron of Honor, Minimalist, Model, Modeling, Modern, National Mall, New, NoMA, NoVA, Northern Virginia, Off the Beaten Path, Participating Vendor, Parties, Party, Partying, Patone, Personal, Personalized, Photo, Photograph, Photographer, Photographers, Photographs, Photography, Photos, Photos from Hearty, Photos from the Hardy, Photos from the Harty, Photos from the Heart, PhotosfromHart, PhotosfromHarty, PhotosfromtheHarty, Pic, Pics, Picture, Pictures, Pink, Plan, Planner, Planning, Plans, Polly Anna, Polly Anna Events, Pollyanna Events, Pop Art, Potomac, Reception, Receptions, Red, Ring Bearer, STDs, Sara, Sara Alepin, Sara Hartenstine, Sarah, Sarah Campbell, Save the Date, Save the Dates, Season, Seasonal, Seasons, Shaw, Shop Local, Shower, Showers, Silly, Social, Socials, Spring, Story, Suit, Suits, Thank You, Theme, Themed, Thoughtful, Tidal Basin, Transgendered, Tux, Tuxedo, Union Station, Unique, Uniquely, VA, Vendor, Vendor Social, Vendors, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, Water, Wed, Wedding, Wedding Planning on a Budget, Weddings, Wedlock, Weds, White, Wife, Wine, districtblissdc, esarahcampbell, sarawithoutanh
Photo Info

Dimensions1000 x 1056
Original file size316 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken29-Jun-15 11:03
Date modified20-Jul-15 11:34
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D800
Focal length24 mm
Focal length (35mm)24 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/320 at f/3.5
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 500
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Cherry Blossom Creative, District Bliss, DC, Design, Designer, Firm, Branding, Artist, Illustration, Installation, Design, Creative, Unique, Artistic, Beautiful, Washington DC, NoVA, VA, Virginia, Mar

Cherry Blossom Creative ı District Bliss + Photos from the Harty

©Photos from the Harty ı Wedding, Event, Lifestyle Photography ı Washington, DC & beyond
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District Bliss - A New Spin on Social Events
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